Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Six Days or not Six Days?
I attended a creationist presentation today where he made a compelling argument that the decline of the church is a direct result of a loss of scriptural authority brought about by compromising the literal six day creation.  He argued that by allowing ages of time to be represented in the six days, one loses the battle with the secularist view that the Bible is a collection of stories and an unreliable history by giving credibility to the scientific view that permeates society.  He furthered the argument by noting that more often than not, churches teach the Bible as stories, not as foundational. 
Personally, I hold a narrative view of scripture and believe that the whole of the Bible must be considered when making judgments on the meaning of texts, but my view does not completely exclude the propositional nature of scripture.  I practice my Christianity draped in conservatism, but wearing liberal goggles.  I allow many different ideas and theologies into the filter and, as you can read here, I wade through them mentally and prayerfully.  i compare them to scripture, and judge them based on the truth I learn in the Bible, and when all else fails, I err on the side of conservatism.  How about you?  How do you develop your personal theologies, and what do you think six days or not?


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